The Dallas Crescent Court Hotel provided the perfect venue for our “biggest and best” HERDI South Conference, with 23 distinguished community college leaders and 32 executives representing 14 participating companies.
From the opening welcome by Dallas College Chancellor and HERDI South Advisory Board member Justin Lonon, to the powerful and captivating closing presentation by ConexEd CEO Tracy Gorham, our Dallas meeting hit all the right notes.
Our client companies come for candid counsel; our Board members led by our Chairman, Jay Allen, did not disappoint. The evaluations this year were of high value, and, to a person, thoughtfully given. For our Advisory Board members, relationship-building and staying at the cutting edge bring them back year after year. As one of our leaders stated,
“This is the one meeting I never miss.”
Dallas 2021 Think Tank by the numbers:
32 Company Reps
23 Community College Leaders
8 Panels
5 Sponsored meals and receptions—thank you, ConexEd, ClassLink, edamerica, BibliU, and Ultimate Consulting
4 Company Observers 3 “new to HERDI South” sponsored events, including a Professional Development Pre-session on Artificial Intelligence, a Hospitality Suite at the Dallas Mavericks BB game, and a Crescent Courtyard Cocktail-After-Party on Friday evening after the Closing Banquet—thank you Ocelot, Ferrilli, and ConexED.
We packed a lot into 2 days!
Now, we are marking our calendars for December 2022 at the Atlanta Ritz-Carlton. Contact Jim Catanzaro for details: jim@herdi.org